Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Musical Inspiration

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007

(written Under the Influence of Toby Lightman, herb, and the "guy in the front row!")

Toby's voice in the background
leaving it inside
yet, revealing secrets
i can no longer hide
("cause i'm alright on the outside")
and i'm walking over an edge
almost ready to fall
but i no longer believe the
Angel's will catch me
as the Devil's got my heart
and i find myself
Coming Back In
of what I know,
questioning if everything learned
was wrong
("only if you want me to")
i'm Frightened
as my past collides with my present
creating a River of drowned emotion
in which I, myself, am sinking in
water and hand above my head as the tide comes in
and my hand holds hope.
Voices are telling me to let it go
but I'm holding onto it tightly.
and i'm close to that connection with
the man in the Front Row
yet, Everyday
feels like an "emotional struggle"
and I'm fighting the idea
of being "what others want me to be."
changing in the repetitious writing cycle
i still spin
dancing with the idea
cheating on questions of
"Is This Right?"
"what am I Running Away from?"
as I float in the words
of her positivity
because I , too, want this:
no clouds in the sky-
smoke spiraling-
to a time where I can possibly
build reality to meet the moment...
no cares.

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